The Police Pensioners' Housing Association Ltd (PPHA)
We are grateful to many individuals, institutions and organisations who give their time and who devote resources and effort towards support of the Police Pensioners’ Housing Association. In particular our Committee consisting :-
TreasurerAfter serving in the Police Force from 1965 to retirement in 1996, Graham then worked as a senior manager for Victim Support until 2015 and now continues as a volunteer. He has been involved with youth football for many years and is an avid fly fisherman. Graham joined PPHA as Treasurer in 2009.
Terry Burton
SecretaryI was a Police Officer for 30 years serving in Sussex and attachments in London. On leaving the Police I was a Security and Investigation Advisor at British Airways with responsibility for London Gatwick Airport and many countries worldwide in particular Africa. I retired at British Airways at the end of September this year.
Judy Redford
ChairmanJudy served for 31 years in both the City of London and Met, retiring in 2005. Having always had an interest in disability rights she then worked on a European Social Fund project and local government. She thought her last job would be managing London Branch of NARPO but very recently took a short-term contract at a West Sussex college.
Other Members
- Don Ratcliffe
- Nick Sloan
- Judy Redford
- John Smith
- Adrian Tudway
- Maralyn Smith
- Belinda Harding
- Judith Stillwell
- Brendan Gibb-Gray (Vice Chairman)
- Joy Davies
- Robert Davies
- Don Ratcliffe
- Nick Sloan
- Judy Redford
- John Smith
- Adrian Tudway
- Ron Turnbull
- Maralyn Smith